Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

It was so nice to have a long weekend! My sister and her husband left this morning so Peter and I have just been having a lazy Vacation day! So we have been hearing everywhere about this new pampers size 7 and everyone in the ABDL community has been talking about it so while we were out earlier we bought some..and well they didn't even begin to fit! hahahaha but it was worth a shot!

Peter and I are going to go out and see a movie tonight. We arn't sure what yet but i guess we will figure out when we get there! hehe I have to make sure to double maybe even triple up diapers tonight so that Peter won't have to change me while we are out! But i'll make sure to bring the diaper bag just in case!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!

Will post tomorrow...oxoxoxox

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