Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun weekend!

So sorry it's been so long since a post.. our computer has been acting crazy!! We had to completely reimage it.. i think thats what it is called...and luckily it is now working much much better!

Anyways today has been a good day! Peter and I are getting ready to go outside and grill some steaks and have a nice dinner together before this crazy week approaches!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and getting some good rest! I would love for one week to just be relaxing and restful but somehow I don't see that in the future...

Welp time for me to go, Peter just go the grill ready!

oxoxox my diaper friends................Stacey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Nice Blog. My wife and I are 25 and 24 yrs old and love the diapered life. We would love to talk sometime. E-mail us at or our myspace page at

Matthew and Nicole