Sunday, September 9, 2007

The end of the weekend..

Another weekend has come to an end... and to be honest I really need some rest.

Peter and I had another great weekend! We painted our "nursery'! which was SO much fun! We painted it like a light green and then found a border of block letters of yellow and blue and put that around the center of the wall! It feels much more like a nursery now and is so nice to look at while Peter is changing me :-D

That was a huge portion of our weekend, but besides that we rented about 4 movies and just sat together and watched movies and fixed yummy food :) I have to say it was the perfect weekend to the crazy week that I have laying ahead of me! Work is going to be really busy this week, but hopefully that will make it go faster!

Well time for me to get in my pj's and go to bed!! Peter is waiting :) hehe

Have a great week...oxoxoxoxox


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