Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sometimes life is just WONDERFUL!

Hello my diaper friends!

Well today was defiantly a long day at work, but I guess the first day back after a long fun weekend always is! Peter and I had such a wonderful weekend together!! We spend much needed quality time together and had so much fun just being together. It is so amazing when you find someone that you can just lay in their arms and you smile because you know that at that very moment nothing else in the entire world matters!

I hope everyone is having a great week! Tomorrow is hump day so that is always a positive thought to think about!
Well time for me to go and let the dogs out to go to the bathroom before I shower and get ready for bed so I'm well rested tomorrow! I need a major diaper change too! :) oooooooooh Peter.. :) hehe

Goodnight my diaper loves...oxoxoxoxoxo


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