Friday, May 18, 2007

So tired...

First off to everyone who reads this.. I'm so sorry that it has been so long! this week has honestly been the longest week of my life! I feel overwhelmed and work is so so so so so so much right now! Not to mention that Peter and I have run into some money troubles. With our new house it has been a struggle to make ends meet recently, even with my promotion!

Anyways..on a brighter note we are both doing well! We got a whole new collection of diapers in this week which was one nice thing :) I put them in the drawers and got everything labeled! I am very big on keeping everything organized and making sure everything is in its place! hehe

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Mine has finally come an end and Peter and i have decided the most perfect thing in the world tonight is to curl up with each other on the couch in our diapers and just lay there and watch TV! I have never wanted to crash so bad in my life! hehe

Good night to all!

Until tomorrow....oxoxoxox

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